Nemo, our barn cat, was given to my oldest son 13 years ago. He is dearly loved. A few summers back, he unexpectedly lost a significant amount of weight rapidly, dropping from a muscular 15 pounds to 9 pounds within weeks. His fur became dirty and tangled, and he refused to eat for several days.
Our vet conducted lab tests, but nothing was found. He advised deworming Nemo and provided antibiotics in case something was overlooked. Despite this, Nemo continued to refuse food and became so thin that we could feel his organs beneath his skin. I feared he would soon vanish to die.
I consulted the vet about using CBD, and he approved. I administered two drops under Nemo's lip twice a day (a challenging task). In just two days, he began eating again, ravenously, and kept it up for the next two months!
Nemo returned to his beautiful, fluffy, shiny self and regained the muscle he had lost. Both we and our vet were amazed! Nemo made a complete recovery, and to this day, the cause of his illness remains unknown. What we do know is that the introduction of CBD was the key factor in his recovery. This is Nemo's story.